These girls are locked up in brothels where they must service 20-30 men per day depending on their age. For every customer they service, they earn less than the price of a meal. They are forced to perform bizarre and threatening acts. Acts that no 10 or 11 year old should even witness. I am deeply saddened by this issue. I imagine myself or my sister or my best friend forced to live a life like this. The thought is unbearable. These feelings do not change simply because I do not know the victims. I can't imagine how traumatizing it is to be a child prostitute. It makes me angry that foreigners, likely from the Western world, take advantage of the lack of education and poverty in developing countries. It makes me question humanity.
However, there are steps that we can all take to stand up to child prostitution in Thailand.
1. Watch this eye-opening documentary on Child Prostitution in Thailand. It stars a man that has dedicated his life to resolving this issue.
2. The same man mentioned above created his own non-for-profit called Daughters Education Programme. Please visit the website to gain more information on how you can donate and/or volunteer.
3. Please click here to be taken to, where you can sign a petition to stop child prostitution in the world.
4. Please comment on any of my posts! I want to hear from you. Offer suggestions, or simply just comment on anything you found interesting! Send this blog, any of the links, or the documentary to your friends and family to spread awareness!
Child prostitutes don't have a voice. But you do.